
Thursday Roundup for the Week of 5/11/08

Stories, news, and other notable items from the past week:

Two star links:

  • The Industry Standard provides us with the 25 top B to Z-list blogs. Why am I giving the link 2-star status? Because the stupid site spaces the list out over multiple pages. ARGHHHHH. Take your page views and ad impressions and shove ’em up your arse.

Three star links:

  • Andrew Girdwood shares an amusing Gmail ad that may have been a little lost in translation.
  • This clever photoset depicts Storm Troopers living their lives in an everyday setting.
  • Better think twice about calling in sick–your boss might soon be able to detect if you’re just trying to play hooky.
  • Shoemoney pings a bunch of SEOs (including myself and Rand) and asks them for their definition of what “SEO” is. The responses are interesting and pretty helpful.
  • A real-life Rocket Man tested jet-powered wings in Switzerland. Rocket Maaaaaaan, burning out his fuse up here alone…this dude better not try to raise his kids on Mars. I’ve heard it ain’t the kind of place to do that (in fact, it’s cold as hell). Okay, I’ll stop now.
  • Danny found a site that teaches you how to create a joy buzzer in your shoe that’ll pass a current through your body and shock people. Danny’s so nice.
  • Mark Cuban (you guys shouldn’t have given Avery Johnson the boot!) talks about an interesting strategy for Yahoo/Microsoft: what if they paid the top 5 results for the top 25k searches to leave the Google index?
  • This guy posits selling your SEO data/logs as a new SEO business model. Rand thinks that you’d need to band together a lot of sites to do it successfully, but that there’s probably some VC funding headed that way if a good team runs with it.
  • The NY Times talks about why Yelp is super duper. Um, because they hired us to do their SEO? Or because their newsletters are awesome? 😉
  • Kim Krause Berg talks about how she hates people using the web as a weapon. We’ve all been there–the Internet is an enticing medium to vent your frustrations and start a major bitchfest campaign against someone. The real challenge is demonstrating how much restraint you have.
  • Advertising on social networking sites is projected to hit $1.4 billion this year, a 55% increase from 2007. And all of those ads assume that Danny is gay and engaged.

Four star links:

Five star links:

YOUmoz entries:

Best of YOUmoz:

  • Twitter Insights and How Coke Pissed Off Danny Sullivan by Rishil uses one of Danny’s Coke tirades as an important lesson learned: don’t underestimate the power of social networking. He also highlights the benefit of using Twitter for research and for venting your frustrations.

New events added to the Events Calendar:

No new events added this week.

Upcoming events:

  • Page Zero Marketing Seminar May 15 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • PPC Summit May 19-20 in San Francisco, CA
  • International Search Summit May 22 in London, UK
  • SEO Training Class May 23 online at

New additions to the SEOmoz Marketplace:

Featured job postings:

Featured companies:

United States/North America:


Featured resumes:

Happily employed:

  • Sandy Allain is a multilingual SEO who works in the Travel and Educational industry.

Looking for employment:

  • WJ Muller is a web developer who also specializes in web usability and SEO. He was able to bring a client up from >100 to the 3rd and 6th result for two keyword campaigns.
  • John Gao is an eCommerce SEO who has many years of international sales experience.

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